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The selfless act of carrying and birthing a child for a couple who can’t experience it themselves is something extraordinary. For many women struggling with infertility, surrogacy is often their last opportunity to raise a child from birth. For surrogates, the choice to carry a child for someone else is usually a very personal one .

Here are 7 reasons why women choose to become surrogates:

1. They Have Witnessed First Hand The Joy it Brings

For some women, surrogacy is something that they have already come across in their own community. Whether it was a family member or a friend, the fact that they witnessed the joy and happiness that surrogacy brought to everyone around them is often enough to spark their interest to explore it for themselves.

2. They Understand The Trauma of Infertility

It’s not only the positive experience of surrogacy that can inspire women to consider becoming one. Seeing a close friend or relative struggling with infertility can be heartbreaking. Knowing someone close to you who is unable to have a child of their own, can be a strong motivation for women to reach out and help.

3. They Want To Give Back

Some people are just naturally selfless and want to give back to the world. Stepping forward to become someone’s surrogate is possibly one of the most fulfilling and rewarding things a woman can do. Sometimes, it’s nothing more than a simple act of generosity.

4. Their Friend or Family Member is in Need

Some women want to offer their help to a family member or a close friend. Their reasons for becoming a surrogate are emotionally driven. They simply want to do something special for those close to them and give the greatest gift of life without expecting anything in return.

5. The Financial Incentive

While the vast majority of women who sign up to become a gestational carrier are doing so because of a personal calling to help someone in need, there are others who also have financial motivations. Whether they need financial assistance to support their own family or have bigger dreams they want to pursue, for them the generous surrogate compensation can be the deciding factor to start the process of becoming a surrogate.

6. They Enjoy The Experience of Pregnancy

Many women enjoy being pregnant and everything that comes with carrying a baby for 9 months. Women who have decided to become a surrogate thoroughly enjoy the experience of nurturing an infant life for a couple who are not fortunate enough to experience it themselves.

7. They Enjoy Being Part of a Surrogate Sisterhood

Another reason why women decide to become a surrogate is because of the tight knit community that they will be welcomed into once they embark on their journey. Surrogate sisterhoods are meetups with other surrogates who will likely become friends for life. Having a group of surro sisters who are going through the same process and who are there to offer their help and support is often a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

So why become a surrogate mother? Every decision is unique and only you can decide if it’s your calling to become one. Everyone has their own reasons and motivation. Every experience is a miracle. One thing we know is that surrogacy continues to inspire thousands of women who are willing to offer their help to those who are less fortunate.
