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It’s not uncommon for people to rush to judgment without fully understanding the facts on surrogacy. Couples who are considering surrogacy to grow their family or women who are thinking of carrying a baby for someone else, can expect to run into a range of different opinions from people who are armed with a lot of misinformation on surrogacy. Before embarking on this journey, it’s good to have a solid understanding of what surrogacy entails and create awareness of some of the most common misconceptions.

One of the biggest misconceptions is the idea of a surrogate wanting to keep the baby after birth. The surrogate fully understands that she is providing the opportunity for another family to have a child, and even though she’s been carrying the baby for 9 months, she understands that she must step aside at the appropriate time. Surrogates always have one or more children of their own and although they enjoy the experience of being pregnant, their goal is not to expand their own family through surrogacy.

Some people believe that surrogate mothers don’t care about doing everything they can to have a healthy pregnancy, as the baby isn’t theirs. Each surrogate is carefully selected and evaluated psychologically to ensure they fully understand what is being expected from them throughout the process. Surrogate mothers are fully committed to follow strict guidelines that are in the best interest of the baby and themselves for having a healthy pregnancy and delivery.

There are people who believe that women only have financial reasons to become a surrogate. But actually, the majority of women choose this path because they are willing to help a couple in need and feel empowered by giving the gift of life.

Not all states in the U.S. are on the same page about surrogacy. Different states have different laws regarding surrogacy. The idea that it’s not possible for women to apply to become a surrogate in a state where surrogacy is not permitted is incorrect. As long as the surrogate mother delivers the baby in a state that legally allows surrogacy, the mother and intended parents won’t experience any legal issues.

The idea that surrogacy is only for the rich and famous is false. Although the most well known surrogacy stories are those of celebrities, people of all backgrounds seek the help of a surrogacy agency. Surrogacy can be costly, but there is financial support out there for those who really want to build their family this way.

Those who are considering the role of a surrogate mother should not be concerned that they could “end up” with the baby after he or she is delivered, simply because the couple might change their mind. Remember that this is all part of a legal arrangement with the aim to protect all parties involved.

These are some of the misconceptions in the world of surrogacy that surrogates, parents and professionals have heard all too often. As there is quite some misinformation out there, it’s important for people to do their own research before embarking on their surrogacy journey.