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San Diego is known for many things. The long, white-sand beaches and the beautiful weather draw millions of visitors to ‘America’s Finest City’ every year. But did you know that San Diego is also one of the major destinations in the U.S. for surrogacy?

Here are five reasons why San Diego is the best place if you are considering starting a family through surrogacy.

Top Fertility Clinics

One of the main reasons why San Diego takes the number one spot as a surrogacy destination is the strong presence of world-class fertility clinics. San Diego Fertility Center is just one of the many clinics working with the best fertility specialists the state has to offer. Others such as Pacific Fertility Center LA, La Jolla IVF and The Fertility Center of Las Vegas are also providing their services to anyone dreaming of becoming a parent through surrogacy in San Diego.

Favorable State Laws

It’s no surprise that San Diego is the best place for surrogacy considering surrogacy laws in California are some of the most favorable in the entire country. The opportunity for same-sex parents, single parents and couples to have their name placed on the birth certificate without the need to go through the process of adoption is what makes California such a great destination for surrogacy arrangements.

A World City

San Diego truly is an international city. With people from different backgrounds and cultures, it’s exactly what makes the city such an incredible place to visit and live in. It’s this diversity that makes San Diego a great location to start the process of building your family here, without experiencing cultural barriers. Whether you speak English, Spanish or Chinese, you will always have the opportunity to work and connect with people who speak your language and understand your circumstances.

San Diego International Airport serves as the front door to the San Diego region and makes it convenient for people from all over the world to visit. It’s perfectly located and connected for both national and international intended parents.


Agency Network

There are a variety of surrogacy agencies in San Diego willing to assist you on your journey to becoming a parent. Our agency, Family Tree Surrogacy Center, has helped hundreds of people create their family with our support. Our commitment to all our intended parents is to provide service with exceptional professionalism and attentiveness and guide you through the entire process from start to finish.

Community of Support

To conclude, San Diego has some of the best psychologists and fertility law representatives in the country to assist you with your goal of becoming a parent. There’s also an incredible community of support available for egg donors, intended parents and surrogates in the San Diego area. From world-class therapists to smaller support groups providing an opportunity to meet others who are taking the first steps in their journey.
